3 Holiday Events to Enjoy This Year in South Carolina
November 21, 2016
Golf Cart Batteries for Winter Storage: Essential Tips
December 7, 2016Now that Thanksgiving is over, the holiday shopping season is really getting down to the wire. Maybe all your presents are already purchased and wrapped, waiting patiently to be placed under the tree… but in our case, things often come down to the last minute before we’re really ready for Santa to arrive!
If you’re anything like us, you’re still hunting for gifts for friends and family. To help you out, we’ve put together a short list of golf cart gift ideas for the special people in your life. Whether you’re hoping to pick up something special for a picky teen, your favorite golf enthusiast, or someone whose idea of a perfect Christmas is lights strung across a palm tree at the beach… we’ve got something for everyone!
For The Littlest Golf Cart Lovers
If your little ones love a ride in your E-Z-Go, Bad Boy, or Cushman cart, give them a golf cart of their very own with this Kid Motorz Junior 6V Pro Golf Cart Ride-On! They’ll be able to head out on their own adventures while you keep an eye out — and maybe help with a little encouragement. Perfect for those ages 3 – 6. Also available from Toys R Us!
For the Teenager Who Has Everything
Teenagers are notoriously hard to shop for — they may have just about everything and have a hard time putting together a list for relatives to shop from. If your teen loves to head out on a golf cart or ATV, consider stopping by our customization department and taking a look at custom speaker systems (scroll to the bottom)! With several options to choose from, you’ll be able to pick out the perfect speaker system to let your teen listen to his or her favorite music while they cruise.
For the College Kid
Is your college kid spending hours on campus, with a bottle of water getting warm over the course of a lecture? Maybe they need something cold for tailgating the big game. No matter what, Grizzly Coolers has you covered! Their drinkware stays cold for longer, so your college kid can keep it on-hand for even the longest day of classes.
For the Beachgoer
If you’re looking for gifts for someone who would rather be by the ocean than just about anywhere else, consider picking them up something tailor-made for their beachgoing lifestyle from our customization options! Enclosures and a windshield help to keep the sand from causing discomfort, while lights and reflectors let them take to the beach after dark in safety and style. A top will help stave off sunburn, and turn signals keep their cart road-legal.
For those Who Love the Outdoors
If your loved one is a little more interested in taking the ATV out into the woods than they are in keeping warm by the fire, we’ve got some perfect gift options for you! Off-Road Tires let them take on even the toughest terrain with ease, while adding on a cargo bed and picking up a specially designed cooler help in bringing home the catch of the day. Make hunting, fishing, or just enjoying the great outdoors more comfortable and make your outdoor enthusiast’s holiday one to remember.
For the Golfer
When you’re shopping for someone who wants nothing more than a day spent out at their favorite golf course, it can be hard to find something that’s just right. One of our favorite online shopping spots for those hard-to-buy-for loved ones is Uncommon Goods, a site that specializes in unique ideas for just about everyone on your list. Our favorite Uncommon Goods ideas for the golf enthusiast in your life? The Golfers BBQ Set is an affordable find that makes a perfect last-minute finishing touch, while golf ball cufflinks are a classic piece that puts the finishing touch on your golf-lover’s outfit.
Still a bit stuck? We have plenty of ideas to deck out their golf cart at any of our three locations throughout the great state of South Carolina.
Finish Up Your Gift-Buying With a Visit to Garrett’s!
We’re ideally placed to help just about everyone in South Carolina who is looking for holiday gifts! We have locations in Columbia, Greenville, and Charleston and would be happy to speak with you about your ideal golf cart or ATV and how we can help you find just what you’re looking for. With custom paint jobs available, we can even take a golf cart and turn it into a unique vehicle that suits your family to a T. Reach us by phone to discuss new or preowned golf carts, Bad Boy Off Road’s new Stampede ATV, or even our new Club Car and Tomberlin inventory at any time at (843) 881 8894 for Charleston, (803) 407 2687 for Columbia, (864) 862 7709 for Greenville, or just contact us online at any time!