Keep Your ATV Winch in Tip-Top Condition With These Tips
September 7, 2017
3 Steps to Avoid ATV Breakdowns
September 21, 2017That first chilly morning can be a surprise, especially for South Carolinians used to trying to come up with new words to describe just how hot it is here throughout late summer and into early fall.
However, those chilly mornings are also an important reminder that it’s time to start thinking about prepping your golf cart for fall, before it’s time to pull that winter coat out of the back of the closet!
While many golf cart and ATV owners keep using their vehicles all throughout the generally mild South Carolina winter, many do consider the first frost the right time to put the cart away until spring.
We have tips that will help you maintain a long lifespan for your E-Z-Go, Textron Off Road, or Cushman carts even after the temperatures really start to dip.
1. Winterize Your Golf Cart or ATV During Early Fall
First off, check on your golf car’s tire pressure.
While most golf cart tires need to be inflated to somewhere from 20 – 25 PSI, this can change depending on the brand and type of tire you’re using. Be sure to check your owner’s manual to locate the exact specified PSI you need to be at — and ensure your tires match that PSI before the first frost.
A second piece of fall advice for electric golf cart owners: maintain your golf cart battery in prime condition so it will survive colder temps.
Always bring your golf cart back to full charge after each use, and keep the battery clean and free of corrosion. Cleaning corrosion is really as simple as hosing down the battery and its racks, then spraying with an acid neutralizer or anti-corrosion gel. This will also help to extend the lifespan of the battery, adding extra benefits and cost savings.
For more advice on winterproofing your ATV or winterizing your golf cart, you can check out these two blog posts.
2. Prepping for Winter Storage? Get a Head Start.
While getting your golf cart ready for winter isn’t the most time-consuming task, we always say that it’s better to start early and have plenty of time to fit fall maintenance tasks in around your busy schedule!
We always make ourselves a checklist of the following tasks before putting any golf cart away for the winter:
- Ensure tire pressure is optimal
- Wipe down the seating area with a damp cloth to clean up dust
- Clean out the cargo bed and ensure it’s been thoroughly cleaned as well
- Bring the battery to a full charge and ensure it is fully cleaned and disconnected from sources of electrical drain
- Set key switch to “off”
- Set alarms or note in calendar that the golf cart battery will need to be checked every three weeks while in storage
- Cover golf cart with a protective canvas cloth or enclosure to minimize dust accumulation
For a more detailed look at steps to take while prepping for storage, you can read this older blog of ours. We’d also be happy to speak with you at any of our three locations to give you more personalized advice on golf cart winter storage!
Of Course, We Have a Long Way to Go Until Winter…
We realize there’s plenty of time to plan and prep for any winter golf cart activities or to safely lock your golf cart up in storage. That also means there’s plenty of time to bring your golf cart in for a check up with our service department!
We’re friendly, knowledgeable, and more than happy to take a look and diagnose any potential problems that might be exacerbated by cold winter temperatures with plenty of time to schedule any needed repairs or replacements!